Wednesday, March 12, 2008


We threw a surprise paryt for tori at cynthias house. She came into the house and we shot poppers at her and she screamed really loud. Then later joey poo came and brought dominic (he told tori he couldnt come). I think that made the party for her. Then we had a cake fight:) it got everywhere, but with all the people there helping, we cleaned it all up. Then her mom came home and was fine with it, then her sister told so we all had to leave.. It was fun for the most part atleast:)
before the party!
the cake we made tori.
three legged race with alyssa:)
shoving toris face in the cake!
cake fight !

1 comment:

Breea said...

Aw man i wish i could have came! it seemed like a bunch of fun! haha! awesome picutres Lollie! haha